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亚马逊卖家须知!CPSIA 窒息危险警告和材质含量限制

CPSIA 窒息危险警告和材质含量限制

根据 2008 年《消费品安全改进法案》和《联邦有害物质管理法》的要求,面向 12 岁及 12 岁以下儿童销售的玩具和游戏商品的包装上或特定广告中应标注适当的关于窒息危险的警告声明。



《消费品安全改进法案》还对儿童专用商品的特定材质成分(包括铅和邻苯二甲酸盐)进行了严格限制。卖家应熟悉每项适用限制的生效日期并与其供应商协作,以确保出售的所有商品均符合现行的各项限制。卖家有责任跟踪并遵守 CPSC 发布的所有法规。




  1. 确定您在亚马逊上销售的商品是否需要提供“警告声明”(窒息危险警告);然后
  2. 使用卖家工具将此类声明作为商品信息(商品详情页面)的一部分提供给亚马逊。




第 1 步:确认哪些商品需要提供警告声明

A. 确认


警告声明适用于面向 12 岁及 12 岁以下儿童销售的玩具和游戏商品,无论这些商品在哪个分类下发布。




B. 警告声明(窒息危险警告)


  • 窒息危险 – 小零件
    • 警告:窒息危险 – 小零件
    • 不适用于 3 岁以下儿童
  • 窒息危险 – 小球
    • 警告:窒息危险 – 此款玩具为小球。
    • 不适用于 3 岁以下儿童
  • 窒息危险 – 含有小球
    • 警告:窒息危险 – 玩具中含有小球。
    • 不适用于 3 岁以下儿童
  • 窒息危险 – 气球
    • 警告:窒息危险 – 未充气或破裂的气球可能会对 8 岁以下儿童产生噎住或窒息危险。
    • 需要成人监护。
    • 请让儿童远离未充气的气球。
    • 气球破裂后请立即丢弃。
  • 窒息危险 – 弹珠
    • 警告:窒息危险 – 此款玩具为弹珠。
    • 不适用于 3 岁以下儿童
  • 窒息危险 – 含弹珠
    • 警告:窒息危险 – 玩具中含有弹珠
    • 不适用于 3 岁以下儿童


第 2 步:使用所需信息更新商品


A. 新数据字段


【标签名称】 【定义】 【值】
【CPSIA 警告 1 CPSIA 警告 4】 使用此字段显示与儿童玩具和游戏窒息风险相关的警告声明是否适用于您的商品。商品详情页面上会显示您选择的警告声明。如果任何警告声明都不适用于您的商品,请选择“no_warning_applicable”。 从以下有效值中选择合适的声明:

  • choking_hazard_balloon
  • choking_hazard_contains_a_marble
  • choking_hazard_contains_small_ball
  • choking_hazard_is_a_marble
  • choking_hazard_is_a_small_ball
  • choking_hazard_small_parts
  • no_warning_applicable
【CPSIA 警告说明】 如果日后商品详情页面上需要提供其他安全警告(除 CPSIA 提供的六种警告之外),即可使用此字段。除非 Amazon.com 建议,否则请勿使用此字段。

有关如何在特定工具中使用这些字段的信息,请参阅 B 部分。

B. 在工具中使用新字段

确认您在亚马逊上销售的哪些商品需要在其详情页面上提供警告声明,以及每种商品分别适合使用上述 6 个值中的哪一个后,即可上传信息了。

下文说明了如何使用卖家工具向商品详情页面上传 CPSIA 警告信息。


新的 CPSIA 列已添加到每个分类的所有库存模板文件中。由于每种商品最多有四个适用值,因此模板中含有四个列。


  • 转至卖家平台中的库存文件模板页面,并下载更新后的模板。
  • 使用适用于您商品的适当值填写这些列。(每个列中填写一个值 [警告声明],每种商品最多可具有四个值)
  • 像平常一样将文件上传至亚马逊。

注意:只有对于您在亚马逊上销售的面向 12 岁以下儿童的玩具和游戏商品,才需要填写“CPSIA 警告”列。除非亚马逊另有指示,否则,所有商品的“CPSIA 警告说明”列均应留空。



  • 在“库存”链接上点击“添加新商品”。在搜索框中输入商品的 ISBN,然后滚动浏览商品信息,直至找到各个 CSPIA 警告声明选项。
  • 选择您的值,然后点击“保存并继续”。


为了更新商品详情页面,XML 用户需要了解以下内容:

  • 修订后的 Product.xsd 包括以下新字段:“CPSIA 警告”和“CPSIA 警告说明”。
  • 为适用商品使用合适的值。
  • 请记住,除非亚马逊另有指示,否则,您应将“CPSIA 警告说明”字段留空。




CPSIA Choking Hazard Warnings and Material Content Limits

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 and the Federal Hazardous Substances Act require the display of appropriate cautionary statements relating to the choking hazards of toys and games intended for children 12 and under on the product packaging and in certain advertisements.

These cautionary statements must be displayed in Internet advertisements for applicable products. This includes all applicable product detail pages on Amazon.

Lead and phthalates limits on all children’s products

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act also prescribes strict limits on the content of certain materials in products intended for children, including lead and phthalates. Sellers should familiarize themselves with the effective dates of each applicable limit and work with their suppliers to ensure that all products sold are compliant with the limits in force. Sellers are responsible for tracking and complying with any regulations issued by the CPSC.

Detailed information is available on the Consumer Product Safety Commission (“CPSC”) website.

What the choking hazard warning requirement means to you

In order to add applicable choking hazard warnings to their product listing, sellers on Amazon should do the following:

  1. Determine if a “cautionary statement” (choking hazard warning) applies to the products you sell on Amazon; and
  2. Provide such statements to Amazon as part of the product listing (product detail page) using our seller tools.

The cautionary statement(s) you choose for your product will appear on the product’s detail page in a yellow “Warning” box, located above the Product Description.

Below is an example of how the warning will appear. The actual warnings on your product detail pages will depend on the statements you choose.

How to verify & upload choking hazard warning information

Step 1: Verify which of your products require a cautionary statement

A. Verification

You will need to verify which (if any) of the products you sell on Amazon require cautionary statements (choking hazard warnings) under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act.

The cautionary statements apply to toys and games intended for children 12 years of age and under, regardless of the category in which these products are listed.

You can verify which (if any) cautionary statements should be included for a particular product by:

Contacting the product manufacturer OR checking the product’s packaging for the applicable choking hazard warnings.

If you are the manufacturer of a product, you are responsible for determining whether the cautionary statements apply to your product. Amazon cannot verify this information for you.

B. The cautionary statements (choking hazard warnings)

The following are the six cautionary statements (warnings) that may apply to your products :

  • Choking Hazard – Small Parts
    • Not for children under 3 yrs.
  • Choking Hazard – Is a Small Ball
    • WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD—This toy is a small ball.
    • Not for children under 3 yrs.
  • Choking Hazard – Contains Small Ball
    • WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD—Toy contains a small ball.
    • Not for children under 3 yrs.
  • Choking Hazard – Balloon
    • WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD–Children under 8 yrs. can choke or suffocate on uninflated or broken balloons.
    • Adult supervision required.
    • Keep uninflated balloons from children.
    • Discard broken balloons at once.
  • Choking Hazard – Is a Marble
    • WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD—This toy is a marble.
    • Not for children under 3 yrs.
  • Choking Hazard – Contains a Marble
    • WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD—Toy contains a marble
    • Not for children under 3 yrs.

You may select up to four of these six warnings. You should never need to choose more than four warnings, as a warning that a product “contains” a small ball or marble should not apply simultaneously with the corresponding warning that a product “is” a small ball or marble.

Step 2: Update your products with the required information

After you have verified which of your products require cautionary statements on their detail pages, and which values apply to each of those products, you are ready to update your detail pages with those values. You can do this using our updated seller tools.

A. New data fields

In order for you to provide the required information for your product listings, we’ve created two additional data fields in our product information feeds and seller tools. The new fields are listed below.

Label Name Definition Values
cpsia-warning1 cpsia-warning4 Use this field to indicate if a cautionary statement relating to the choking hazards of children’s toys and games applies to your product. Cautionary statements that you select will be displayed on the product detail page. If no cautionary statement applies to the product, select “no_warning_applicable.” Select the appropriate statement from the following Valid Values:

  • choking_hazard_balloon
  • choking_hazard_contains_a_marble
  • choking_hazard_contains_small_ball
  • choking_hazard_is_a_marble
  • choking_hazard_is_a_small_ball
  • choking_hazard_small_parts
  • no_warning_applicable
cpsia-warning-description This field has been created for future use in the event that other product safety warnings (in addition to the six provided by the CPSIA) are later required to be displayed on the detail page. Do not use this field unless otherwise advised by Amazon.com.

Refer to Section B for information on how to use these fields in specific tools.

B. Using the new fields in tools

After you have verified which of the products you sell on Amazon require cautionary statements on their detail pages, and which of the 6 values listed above apply to each of those products, you are ready to upload your information.

Below are instructions for using seller tools to upload your CPSIA warning information to your product details pages.

Inventory file templates

The new CPSIA columns have been added to all flat files for every category. Because each product can have up to four values applicable to it, there are four columns in the template.

To submit your information using inventory file templates:

  • Go to the inventory file template page in Seller Central and download the updated templates.
  • Fill in these columns with the appropriate value(s) as they apply to your products. (Each column can have one value [cautionary statement] and each product can have up to four values.)
  • Upload the file as usual to Amazon.

Note: The cpsia_warning columns need only be filled out for those products you sell on Amazon for toys and games for children under 12. The cpsia_warning_description column should remain blank for all products, unless you receive instruction otherwise by Amazon.

Add A Product

You can use the Add a Product tool to add the choking hazard warnings to your applicable products one at a time.

  • On the Inventory link, click Add A Product. Enter your product’s ISBN in the search box and scroll through the product information until you find the CSPIA Cautionary Statement selections.
  • Select your values and click Save & continue.


XML users need to know the following to update their product detail pages:

  • The Product.xsd has been amended to contain the following new fields: CPSIAWarning and the CPSIAWarningDescription.
  • Use the appropriate value(s) for your applicable product(s).
  • Remember that you should leave the CPSIAWarningDescription blank unless instructed otherwise by Amazon.

关于作者: 魔法小精灵



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